How is IELTS score calculated?

All IELTS scores are between 0 and 9. You can also get .5 scores as well (for example, 6.5 or 7.5). You will get a band score for each skill (listening, reading, writing and speaking) and also an overview band score. The overall  score is the average score of all the skills.

Lets assume you took the test and scored as detailed in the table below:

Module Score
Listening 7.5
Reading 7
Writing 6.5
Speaking 7

So your overview score for the test will be an average of all four modules.
That is:  ( 7.5 + 7 + 6 + 7 )/4 = 7

  • If your overall score is an average of 6.25, your score will be increased to 6.5.
  • If your overall score is an average of 6.75, your score will be increased to 7.
  • If your overall score is 6.1, your score will go down to 6.
  • Your score is rounded up or down to the nearest 0.5 or whole score as shown above.