Statement Of Purpose For Community Services

This is just a sample of Statement of purpose for applying to a hospitality course. We do not recommend copying the same exact thing but feel free edit and tweak this as per your need. Still, we recommend that you write you own.

If its your first time writing a SOP, we have a guide for you to follow if you need help on how to write it hereIf you have already wrote one and need help checking if its up to the Australian standard, you can use the contact us form and send it to us for a quick insight. You can view our other samples by visiting Statement of Purpose Sample page.

I am glad to introduce myself as Mrs. Laxmi , daughter of Mr. Karma Wangel 
and Mrs. Bimaya and wife of Mr. Sunil Sapkota born on 31-10-1995 a permanent
residence of Pangretar-1 Sindhupalchok , Nepal. Currently, I am working as Staff Nurse
at Nepal Medical College, Jorpati, Kathmandu. I have decided to focus my career in
Aging Support and Community Services & Management.
Academically, I have completed my schooling in first division with distinction (87.88%)
from Baba Boarding High School which is located in Chabahil, Kathmandu. Since my
childhood, I was interested in serving and caring needy people. I always took interest in
doing something to make some positive impact on someone else’s life. To continue my
passion for serving people, I joined proficiency certificate level in nursing in Nepal
Institute of Health Sciences, affiliated to Council for Technical Education and Vocational
Training (CTEVT). During this 3 years course tenure, as a requirement of curriculum, I
had different practical placement in various recognized hospitals, health posts and
communities which solidified my decision to pursue a career in health sector. I consider
myself to be a loyal and hardworking student and who had a good rapport with senior
colleagues and faculty members. Furthermore, with their proper guidance, I was able to
secure First Division (75.76%) in PCL Nursing in 2014. After completing my study, I
began my professional life as a School Staff Nurse at Baba Boarding High School for one
year. Then I joined Stupa Community Hospital as a volunteer Staff Nurse for three
months to gain more knowledge and skill in serving people and get more professional in
my nursing career.
In addition, I have also worked as a Homecare nurse at Nursing care at Home Pvt.Ltd.
During my working period in this organization, I developed a liking to the aged people
and decided to pursue a career as an age care professional. This was also one of the
reasons for me to choose this course. In my country, senior citizens are helpless and
discriminated for discrete reasons such as advancement of younger generations and
influence of western culture. In addition, those old-aged people lack support and care.
Due to lack of Health Concern Centers and properly trained manpower especially
distinguished for aging and disable patient care, the senior citizens in my country are not
getting the attention that they deserve. This scenario encouraged me to focus my study on
ageing support and community services. I had also thought for pursuing this course in
my own country but unfortunately, there are no any courses relating to the ageing support
despite the growing need for the qualified people in this field. With the intent of studying
abroad I took my IELTS test on 05 Nov 2016 and obtained an overall 6.0 score in IELTS
with listening 6, writing 6, reading 5.5 and speaking 5.5.
Australia is globally known country for its internationally recognized degree and quality
practical education system in the world with access to advanced technology and research.
Degree from an Australian college will provide me with invaluable academic, practical,
professional and personal growth, and open up an infinite number of career opportunities
after graduation. An internationally recognized degree will help me stand out among my
colleagues with same educational background. Experience of studying abroad in
Australia will offer a competitive edge once I come back to my native country. Increased
globalization has created a higher demand of talented employees who have proficiency in
multiple languages, international experience and is able to quickly adapt to professional
environment. After a brief comparison of some countries like UK, Canada, USA and
Nepal for my further study, I chose Australia as the best option for my further studies
because Australian education is considered as one of the world’s leading faculty in Health
Care and Community Service. For international student there is act named Education
Services for Overseas Students, which protect the rights of international student in
Australia. The Australian government assists international students, whose education
providers are unable to fully deliver their course of study known as Tuition Protection
Service. Australia has 1,100 institutes offering more than 22,000 courses which justifies
that student have multiple choice of institutes as well courses of interest. Australia is one
of the finest destinations for international students because there is no any burden for
languages. Australia is a great place to live in considering affordable fees, cultural
diversity, weather diversity, cost of living. The weather is somewhat similar to that in
Nepal. Studying in Australia is more affordable in comparison to other countries when we
look at the exchange value of currencies. The friendliness and open mindedness of
Australian people as well as safe and stable political environment. While talking to my
friends who are already studying in Australia, I have found that teachers and professors
are very friendly and approachable and are always ready to support the students. I have
noticed that students are expected to think creatively and independently and hands on
experience and actively encouraged in Australia. All these reasons and statistics prove
that Australia is the best choice for international students like me.
Australia offers one of the most comprehensive ranges of innovation and internationally
recognized degrees. There are many colleges offering the course which I have chosen. I
also did a thorough research on other education providers like IHNA, AIBT and TAFE
before choosing SGSCC. The location, affordable fee structure, suitable facilities for
international students and its long history of providing vocational education to students
made me choose SGSCC. Also, SGSCC being a community college has an extensive and
already established network and community organization, local business, government
agencies and local community providing us access to welfare and information assistance
and links to community events and activities. Among the colleges I encountered,
considering the policy, curriculum and premium outcome, I have chosen SGSCC
international as a career pathway. The main reason to choose SGSCC International is
because this college has all of my chosen course, certificate IV in aging support, diploma
of community services and advanced diploma of community sectors management,
whereas in some other colleges which I mentioned above only offer certificate IV in
aging support for international students and only the Australian students are eligible for
other courses of community services. In comparison to fee structure provided by SGSCC
International with other colleges, I have found that based on the duration of the course,
the tuition fee is comparatively affordable. Also, SGSCC provides more on-field work
placement offers than various other colleges that I confronted. Some of my friends who
study Nursing in Australia recommended me to study a Diploma course because of its
flexibility and remodeled/advanced course content, and I found SGSCC International to
match all my requirements for further study. I had also considered getting a bachelors
degree but decided against it as the education system in Nepal and that in Australia has a
vast difference eventually making the students hard to cope up with the course content. I
believe that taking these courses will be beneficial to me as I will have a basic knowledge
which will help me in case I decide to pursue the bachelor’s degree in future. I will also
have a thorough knowledge of the education system of Australia which will help me
manage the time for the assignments and classes during my study.
SGSCC international has been successful in assisting students with pathways into
vocational and academic studies and providing opportunities for work placement. Work
placement allows you to put your knowledge into practice. This college contains well
equipped classrooms, library, students’ kitchen and lounge, academic counseling, and free
students parking outside café. Computer rooms with wireless internet access are granted
to allow divisional student support, care and development. SGSCC international offers
research facilities which other colleges could not supply. The roots of SGSCC goes back
to about 30 years and since then it has succeeded in delivering high quality vocational
education. I found SGSCC as an affordable destination for international students like me.
It is the first community college in Australia to deliver vocational course for international
students further to the excellent record and not for the profit status sets.
In my first year, I will be studying certificate IV specialization for Ageing Support, where
I shall learn to directly deal with distinct patients or clients. I will gain knowledge about
old-age health care and how to support and empower them. I will also learn to provide
support to people with dementia. This will definitely enhance my skills by facing
emotional and physical challenges daily to provide physical and social support to elderly
people and people with a psychological disability residing in hostels aged care facilities,
group homes and community settings. After the completion of my 52 weeks long course,
I will be qualified to reveal my skills as a supervisor or a team leader. Particularly, in the
roles such as a personal care assistant, hostel and care supervisor.
In second year I will be studying Diploma of Community Services. Diploma of
community services is specially designed to give us the right skills and knowledge to
work with clients and assist them in seeking solutions to a range of personal and social
issues. I will learn to solve community issues; I can manage, design and deliver
community based programs to the children and families, senior citizen, those living with
a mental illness and other areas within the community sectors. This course is designed to
teach students all about leadership, building and maximizing team performance, we will
be managing diversity with staff and stakeholders, managing finance and accounts,
working to a business model, coaching and performance management of staff.
Completing this course, I will be able to manage and coordinate other staffs delegations
of power, authorities.
In my final year, I am to advance my knowledge in the course advanced diploma of
Community Sectors Management, which will boost my confidence level to work in real
world environment. After completion of 1 year in this diploma of community sectors
management, the reward and fulfill career option includes client services manager,
community development officer, program coordinator or manager. Advanced diploma of
community sectors managements utilizes and sharpens our leading management skills
within the community dependently. This course will complement my other two courses
that I will do prior to this one. This course supports my long term dream of working with
the communities of Nepal.
SGSCC also has an articulation with University of Wollongong and after this course; I’ll
always have an option to go further for bachelor degree in the field of health science and
community services if the need arises. This is the reason why this course fused best for
me for pursuing my lifelong dreams.
While talking about my financial background, my in-laws have a private company named
Jal Binayak Business Link Pvt Ltd. The company imports and exports various goods such
as clothes, electronic devices from China. My husband being the part of the family also
works in this company. My family has a strong financial background and I am certain that
this will suffice for my further studies at SGSCC. I am grateful towards my family for
their continuous support to enhance my career.
I believe after completing my course, I will be perfectly qualified to work with
government, INGO or NGO sectors in organizations like Help Age International, Ageing
Nepal etc. for the development and care of ageing population in Nepal. I am sure to find
numerous fruitful opportunities knocking on my door. My diploma from Australian
education provider will also make my job search easier as the employer in Nepal tend to
prioritize the people with international degree. There has been recognized shortage of
qualified health workers for our aging population. And with the ongoing demand of aged
care organizations, this situation is sure to continue for upcoming years. Once my
practice has started, I will do my best in order to uplift health condition and living
standard of ageing people. Nepal has lack of competent aging support workers as well as
centers, I have a dream to establish aging care center in my hometown in the long run.
As per the requirement, I have dispatched all my documents that render all the
information that may help you in making affirmative assessment and decision for visa to
study in Australia. It is with desire and promise that I forward my application for May
2017 at SGSCC International. I would be grateful if you can consider my application for
admission. These opportunities will not only help me to fulfil my personal dreams and
goals but would also help my country towards infinite progress in field of caring and
community services.
I appreciate you taking time for considering my application. I look forward for your
positive response.
Sincerely yours
Passport Number: 087xxxxxx
Contact Number: 9779818xxxxxx